Privacy Policy

  /  Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


At DJ Casanova Productions, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting the personal information you share with us. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle the information collected through our website and lead forms.

Information Collection and Use

When you fill out a lead form on our website, we collect personal information such as your name, email address, event date, and event type. This information is used solely for the purpose of contacting you about our DJ and MC services, as per your request. We use this information to plan and coordinate your event and, following the event, may contact you for a review.

Data Storage and Security

Your personal information is stored securely and is only accessed by authorized personnel involved in the planning and execution of your event. We retain contracts and necessary documents for a legally required period, after which they are securely destroyed.

No Third-Party Sharing

We value your trust and assure you that your information is not shared, sold, or disclosed to any third parties. We do not engage in data brokerage.

User Consent

By providing us with your personal information through our lead forms, you consent to the collection and use of this information under this Privacy Policy.

Legal Compliance

We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding data collection, processing, and marketing. We ensure that our communication practices respect your preferences and comply with relevant marketing and spam regulations.


For any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal information, please contact us at or call/text 240-281-4442.

Policy Updates

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our practices. We encourage users to review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices.


En este sitio web utilizamos herramientas propias o de terceros que almacenan archivos pequeños (<i>cookie</i>) en su dispositivo. Las cookies se utilizan normalmente para permitir que el sitio funcione correctamente (<i>cookies técnicas</i>), para generar informes de uso de navegación (<i>cookies de estadísticas</i>) y para publicitar adecuadamente nuestros servicios / productos (<i>cookies de perfil</i>) Podemos usar directamente cookies técnicas, pero <u>tiene derecho a elegir si desea habilitar o no las cookies estadísticas y de creación de perfiles</u>. <b>Al habilitar estas cookies, nos ayuda a ofrecerle una mejor experiencia.</b>.